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16 services available
Flu Vaccination 2024/25
Flu Vaccination forms for 18+. The vaccinator may offer you the COVID vaccine on the day too if eligible. Note: the vaccination is free of charge for all HSE at-risk patients.
Price: €0.00 Duration: 5 minutes
COVID 19 Autumn/Winter 2024/25 Booster
For anyone aged 60+ or considered to be at risk or immunocompromised. Please visit the HSE website if unsure. Anyone who registers will also be offered the flu vaccine too.
Price: €0.00 Duration: 5 minutes
Blood Glucose (Sugar) Testing Service
A consultation with the pharmacist where we would do a finger prick test to get a blood glucose reading. Results would be interpreted by the pharmacist and advice will be given accordingly. Please come fasting for more accurate results.
Price: €15.00 Duration: 10 minutes
Emergency Hormonal Contraceptive (Morning After Pill)
Morning After Pill for female patients ages 17+. Please note: that the patient will be required to collect their medication. This service is valid for up to 5 days (120 hours) after having sexual intercourse. The pharmacist reserves the right to not make a supply if clinically inappropriate.
Price: €0.00 Duration: 5 minutes
Erectile Dysfunction (Viagra Connect Supply) Service
Remote consultation for the supply of Viagra Connect. Form to be filled in before arriving at the pharmacy. Price of 4 tablets = 24.99. Price of 8 tablets = 45.00
Price: €0.00 Duration: 2 minutes
Professional Review of Medication (PRoM)
A bespoke medication review looking into medication safety and medicines optimisation. Some of the potential outcomes of the services include: management of side effects, better management of health conditions and GP recommendations. This service is FREE of charge
Price: €0.00 Duration: 30 minutes
My Wellness Test (15 Euros / Test)
1. Blood Pressure Check | 2. BMI Check | 3. Blood Glucose Test | 4. Iron | 5. Vitamin D | 6. Menopause | 7. Vitamin D with Testosterone Counselling.
Price: €0.00 Duration: 20 minutes