Patient messages / Locking of messages

All of the messages sent from your clinic to your patients are in one location.

How to view all messages for a particular patient

Once you find your patient, you can click on the "Messages" button to see all messages between your clinic and the patient. 

How to view a message

To view a particular message, click on any subject, Patient Name, Sent at date or the chevron (>)!

What are locked messages?

In a healthcare setting, there are scenarios where 1-way communication only from the healthcare provider is needed. Locking of messages enables this 1-way communication. 

A message that is locked is one where a patient cannot respond. 

A message is locked, i.e. the patient cannot respond when you see the locked icon.

How to reply to a message

As a healthcare provider, you can reply to messages by clicking on the "Reply" button or clicking on "Send & Lock" to send your message and prevent the patient from responding.