How can I cancel or delete a Waiting List Registration?
How can I cancel waiting list registrations:
To cancel a waiting list registration simply:
- Click on the waiting list menu on the left
- Choose the patient's waiting list registration that you want to cancel
- Click the 3 dots on the right of the patient's registration
- Click Cancel
The Patient is now removed from the waiting list and the status of the registration is cancelled. Note: The patient will NOT receive an email confirming you have cancelled their registration.
How can I delete waiting list registrations:
- Click on the waiting wist menu on the left
- Filter by Pending or Cancelled (Note: Only Pending or cancelled waiting list registrations can be deleted)
- Choose one or more patient's waiting list registrations that you want to delete
- Click Delete
The patient's waiting list registrations are no deleted. Note: If the patient opted-in for marketing their opt-in consent will not be deleted.