How can I add my booking widget to my Shopify site?
You can easily add your Hashealth booking widget to your shopify site.
Pre-requisite here is to be logged into your Hashealth account and on your booking widget page.
In another tab or browser and from within your shopify account, follow these steps:
- Click on "Online Store" -> "Themes" in the menu on the left.
- Then click "Customize" - this is a button on the main screen. This will navigate you to a new page.
- From the menu on the left click "Add section" -> "Custom content"
- From the Theme block that pops open select "Custom HTML"
Copy your booking widget code from Hashealth.
- Back in shopify, paste your Hashealth booking widget code into the Custom HTML.
Note: Some tweaks in shopify maybe required to ensure your widget is presented as desired.